Friday, April 5, 2019

April 5

Okay. Back at this.
I actually think some of my problem is the larger laptop.I still haven't gotten toa place where I'm not thinking about the fact that I'm balancing it, so I need to figure omething out.
The last couple weeks - end of March beginning of April - has been great, greatly improved and containing high spots usually unseen until end of winter. We've been to the Conservatory, Adam has been on an overnight to the zoo, Eric and I saw Us in the theater in Gallipolis last weekend. This week I've been trying to stem Mom's loneliness without Betty. Heather has, too. I had lunch with Mom, we went shopping in Chillicothe, last night she, Adam and I all went on the Egg Walk downtown then had ice cream at Michael's.
I always have deep and profound thoughs before opening the laptop then dry up into less intimate relating of daily events to keep distance. But admission is exposing vulnerability, so I should get a little credit for trying. For beginning.

Now, recent pictures and crafts:

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Mar 21

Pretty good day. Haircut in the morning; mis-scheduled myself (again) and missed a chance to have lunch with Kelli, but we're going tomorrow. Made pork chops for dinner and played a made-up (by Adam) version of Wheel of Fortune, then Let's Dance, then they played Mario and it was all aroud just a good evening.
Planning on going to The Conservatory on Saturday.
Battling raning thoughts, being distracted. Making an effort to come back.
Getting back on schedule.
Slow going. Life. Even though it flies, progress is slow.
But it's Spring.
Que sera sera <3

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mar 20 Wed

It's been a great day. Warm, sunny I was off to a shaky start in the morning (mornings have been rough this week) then saw deer out by the garage - it changed the whole day, like a good omen. I went to lunch at Mom's work, ate with her, Mechel & Heather. Adam got off the bus, Eric came home from work, we did homework & ate dinner by 5 ( I drastically overestimated a cook time) then spent the evening outside - picking up sticks, Adam jumped on the trampoline & went over to McGhees & played with the Farleys while Eric fed and I weeded the flowerbed. Then we came in, watched TV, and played Wheel of Fortune on Adam's whiteboard. Now it's 10:15 and I'm not far from bedtime, and the Worm Moon is full. First day of Spring <3

Monday, March 18, 2019

March 18 Mon

Okay so a bunch of stuff happened (or didn't? I guess) with Heather, plus Daylight Savings Time and a really full schedule, kicked my ass and I fell off my dailies in everything the past couple weeks, including this blog. I'm getting back on track with my uv lamp, evening crafting, scheduled cleaning, and now blog. I'll be back on track by the end of the week.

Monday, March 4, 2019

mar 4

Another gift of a day. So slow at work I got off early, sunshine.
I've been thinking that Winter is two different planets; depending entirely on the presence or absence of the sun.
It feels true.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

sun mar 3

The snow today was a gift. The whole day was a gift. We're smack in the middle of a busy few weeks, and the past few days have been the most concentrated busy it will be - work, Little Prince, Southview Carnival with everyone even Jude - and then comes today, sleeping til 10:30 & running a crock pot full of potato soup over to Heather. We were safely home before the world went white, we snuggled under blankets in the living room and played Scrabble. Eric watched John Wick 2 and napped in the recliner, I read 1/3 of White Is for Witching.
Tomorrow is back to work. I'm tired but energized from the downtime winter lie-in.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

feb 28

I made it to the last day of February before I caved and watched The Shining. This is the longest into winter I've ever gone before falling into its particular moody psychotic winter atmosphere tonic for weary winter soul (or however you want to say it) but I've needed these mountains and needed these twins.
Times are tough. But tomorrow is March. We're gonna make it.